
Sunday, November 27, 2011


Mangolia is launching one of the world’s biggest ice making experiments, an attempt to compact the adverse effects of global warming and the urban heat experiment. The tribal, funded by the Ulan Bator (Mangolean capital) government aims to store the freezing winter temperatures in a gaint block  of ice that will help to cool and provide water to the city as the block slowly  melts during summer.

The scientists behind the 1 billion geo- engineering project hope the process will reduce the energy demand from air conditioners and regulate drinking water and irrigation supplies. The project aims to artificially creat naleds (Russian term for the ultra thick slab of ice that occur naturally in far northern climate when rivers or springs push through cracks in the ground to seep outwards during the day and then add an extra layer of ice during  the night). Unlike regular ice formation in lakes, which only is about 1 meter maximum and it act as a insulator to the water below, naleds continue expanding for as long as there is enough water pressure to penetrate the surface. Many are more than 7 meter thick ie, it takes more time to melt.

History of naleds
The quality and technology of naleds is known for hundreds of years. The North Korean military used them to build river crossings for tanks during the winter and Russians used them for drilling  platforms.

Uses and Advatages of naleds
Can be used to beat heat during summer.
Save summer air conditioning cost
Regulate drinking water supplies (as molten ice during summer can be used for domestic purposes since water shortage will be there during summer)
Creating cool microclimate
Can be used to repair permafrost
Build cool parks in cities

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